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Morphological Structure of Verbs

By |December 13, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: |

According to their morphological structure verbs are divided into: Simple Derived Compound Composite having affixes consisting of two stems consisting of a verb and a postposition of adverbial origin read, live, hide, speak magnify, fertilize, captivate, undo, decompose daydream, browbeat sit down, go away, give up Composite Verbs   The postposition often changes the meaning of the verb with which it is associated. Thus, there are composite verbs whose meaning is different from the meaning of their components: to give up; to bring up; to do away. There are other composite verbs in which the original meaning [...]


By |October 19, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , |

A verb expresses action or being. There is a main verb and sometimes one or more helping verbs.She can sing.In the example above, sing is the main verb; can is the helping verb.The verb is a part of speech that denotes an action. The verb has the following grammatical categories: person, number, tense, aspect, voice, and mood. These categories can be expressed by means of affixes, inner flexion (change of the root vowel), and by form words.Verbs may be transitive and intransitive.Verbs have finite forms which can be used as the predicate of a sentence and non-finite forms which cannot [...]