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Parts of Speech


By |March 31, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , |

The noun is a word expressing substance in the widest sense of the word. In the concept of substance, we include not only names of living beings (e. g. boy, girl, bird) and lifeless things (e. g. table, chair, book), but also names of abstract notions, i. e. qualities, states, actions (kindness, strength, sleep, fear, conversation, fight), abstracted from their bearers. Morphological Characteristics The noun has the following morphological characteristics: Nouns that can be counted have two numbers: singular and plural (e. g. singular: a girl, plural: girls). Nouns denoting living beings (and some nouns denoting [...]

Parts of Speech

By |March 30, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: |

According to their meaning, morphological characteristics, and syntactical functions, words fall under certain classes called parts of speech. We distinguish between notional and structural parts of speech. Diagram Notional Parts of Speech The notional parts of speech perform certain functions in the sentence: the functions of subject, predicate, attribute, object, or adverbial modifier. Structural Parts of Speech The structural parts of speech either express relations between words or sentences or emphasize the meaning of words or sentences. They never perform any independent function in the sentence. Notional PoSStructural PoSNoun;Adjective;Pronoun;Numeral;Verb;Adverb;the words of the category of state;the modal words;Interjection.Preposition;Conjunction;Particle;Article.