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Use of the Indefinite Article with Nouns in Expressions

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , , , |

in a hurry Things done in a hurry are done badly. at a glance She saw at a glance that something had happened. To be at a loss She was at a loss what to say. to have a good time Last night we went to an evening party and had a very good time. as a result As a result of the inhabitants’ strenuous efforts the damaged city was soon rebuilt. it is a pleasure It is a pleasure to read beautiful poetry. it is a shame It is a shame not to know these elementary things. it is [...]

Use of the Definite Article with Nouns in Expressions

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Main|Tags: , , , , |

to be on the safe side I am almost sure of the pronunciation of this name, but to be on the safe side let us consult the pronouncing dictionary. to play the piano (the violin, the harp) She plays the piano very well.   it is out of the question “Will you go to the theatre tonight?” “It’s out of the question. I have lots of things to do.” to take the trouble to do something You had a difficult text to translate and you did not take the trouble to consult the dictionary. in the original You know English [...]

Nouns in Expressions used without an Article

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , , |

out of doors The children spent most of the time out of doors. to take to heart Don’t take things too much to heart. to take offense If he had heard your remark, he would have taken offense. to give (to get, to ask) permission I asked permission to keep the book a little longer. to lose heart He found the subject very difficult at first, but he did not lose heart. He went on working hard and finally mastered it. at present You may go home, we don’t want you at present. from head to foot She was dressed [...]

Use of Articles with Nouns in Apposition

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

Nouns in apposition and nouns forming part of an apposition are used with the indefinite article if the speaker states that the object expressed by the noun in apposition belongs to a certain class. I want to introduce you to Fuad., a great friend of mine. In the plural, no article is used. I want to introduce you to Comrades B, and D., great friends of mine. Nouns in apposition or nouns forming part of apposition are used with the definite article if they are modified by a particularizing attribute. Fuad, the student you have mentioned, has come. If the [...]

Use of Articles with Predicative Nouns

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , , |

The predicative noun is used with the indefinite article if the speaker states that the object denoted by the noun belongs to a certain class. If a predicative noun is modified by a particularizing attribute, the definite article is used. He is the student you wanted to speak to. If a predicative noun denotes a post that can be occupied by one person at a time, either no article or the definite article is used. Mr. Henderson is manager, not under-manager any longer. (Lindsay) Montanelli was director of the theological seminary at Pisa.  Comrade N. is the dean of our [...]

Use of Article with some Proper Nouns

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

Articles with names of Hotels, Ships, Newspapers and Magazines Names of hotels, ships, newspapers and magazines are used with the definite article. And he added that the Independent had accepted and was about to publish two poems which he had been able to write because of her. (Dreiser) The three men came to the turning at the corner of the Grosvenor Hotel. (Hichens) Article with names of Cardinal Points With the names of cardinal points, the definite article is used. the North, the South, the West, the East. In the expressions from East to West, from North to South [...]

Article with Geographical Names

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

#1. Geographical names like all the other proper nouns are used without articles England, France, Moscow, London. The same holds good when a geographical name is modified by an attribute in pre-position: Soviet Russia, North America, Latin America, Central Asia. N o t e. — The word groups the Soviet Union; the United States are always used with the definite article. #2. Geographical names modified, by a particularizing attribute are used with the definite The Philadelphia into which Frank Algernon Cowperwood was born was a city of two hundred and fifty thousand and more. (Dreiser) #3. With names of oceans, [...]

Article with Names of Persons

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

#1. Names of persons are used without the Article Sarie looked at Lanny and Celia. (Abrahams) #2. Names denoting the whole family are used with the definite The Dashwoods were now settled at Berton. (Austen) #3. When names of persons are used to denote a representative of a family, the indefinite article is “Florence will never, never, never be a Dorabey,” said Mrs. Chick. (Dickens) #4. Names of persons modified by a particularizing attribute are used with the definite article. You’re not the Andrew Manson I married. (Cronin) The tall blond man of forty is not much changed in feature [...]

Articles with Abstract Nouns

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , , |

#1. Whenabstractnounsareusedina general sense, no article is used. While there is life there is hope. #2. When abstract nouns are modified by a particularizing attribute or when the situation makes the idea definite, they are used with the definite article. He (Cowperwood) was the courage and force of his father, the spirit and opportunity of his brothers, the hope of his children, the dignity and significance of the Cowperwood name. (Dreiser) Last night I heard Carmen and enjoyed the music. N o t e 1. — It should be borne in mind that abstract nouns modified by an attribute in [...]

Article with Nouns of Material

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

#1. With nouns of material used in a general sense, when a certain material as such is meant, no article is used. Honey is wholesome. On hearing what had happened, she (Katie) ran for warm water... (Voynich) #2. When a definite part of the substance is meant (when the noun is modified by a particularizing attribute or is made definite by the situation), the definite article is used. Pettinger gulped down a glass of the sherry which Cornelius had finally brought. (Heym) The meat was good and White Fang was hungry. (London) #3. When an indefinite part of the substance [...]