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Link Verbs

Syntactic Functions of Verbs

By |December 17, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , , , |

According to the syntactic function of verbs, which depends on the extent to which they retain, weaken or lose their meaning, they are divided into notional verbs, auxiliary verbs and link verbs. Notional Verbs Notional verbs are those which have a full meaning of their own and can be used without any additional words as a simple predicate. Here belong such verbs as to write, to read, to speak, to know, to ask. Ricky surrounded her with great care and luxury. (Stern) She knew what he was thinking. (Galsworthy) Auxiliary Verbs Auxiliary verbs are those which [...]

Link Verbs and their Meaning

By |November 21, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

According to their meaning link verbs can be divided into two large groups: link verbs of being and remaining; link verbs of becoming. #1. link verbs of being and remaining The first group comprises such verbs as to be, to remain, to keep, to continue, to look, to smell, to stand, to sit, to lie, to shine, to seem, to prove, to appear, etc. The latter three verbs have some modal colouring. Cotman was a nice-looking fellow, of thirty perhaps... (Maugham) Do not delay, there is no time. Teacher Williams lies dead, already. (Buck) The Western powers stood aloof. [...]