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By |October 19, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

The conjunction is a part of speech that denotes connections between objects and phenomena. It connects parts of the sentence, clauses, and sentences. Sadie brought them in and went back to the door. (Mansfield) ...the blinds were down in the dining-room and the lights turned on โ€” and all the lights were red-roses. (Mansfield) The other day I was saying to Fabermacher that Haviland isnโ€™t really cruel, heโ€™s just thoughtless. And Fabermacher said that was the cruellest thing about the human race. And heโ€™s right. (Wilson) Structure According to their morphological structure conjunctions are divided into the [...]


By |October 19, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

The preposition is a part of speech that denotes the relations between objects and phenomena. It shows the relations between a noun or a pronoun and other words. Usually, the preposition is not stressed and stands before the word it refers to. Desert moved quickly to the windows. (Galsworthy) Sometimes, however, a preposition may be separated from the word it refers to and placed at the end of the sentence or clause. In that case, it is stressed. But he sounds as though he knows what heโ€™s talking about. (Wilson) The proposition may be weakly stressed before a pronoun. She [...]


By |October 19, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , |

A verb expresses action or being. There is a main verb and sometimes one or more helping verbs.She can sing.In the example above, sing is the main verb; can is the helping verb.The verb is a part of speech that denotes an action. The verb has the following grammatical categories: person, number, tense, aspect, voice, and mood. These categories can be expressed by means of affixes, inner flexion (change of the root vowel), and by form words.Verbs may be transitive and intransitive.Verbs have finite forms which can be used as the predicate of a sentence and non-finite forms which cannot [...]

English Language Teacher

By |September 11, 2022|Categories: Careers|Tags: |

DilEnglish Educational Institutions - International English School We are currently hiring English teachers and we would love to see you on our team. If you have what it takes and are looking forward to improving you skill sets as an Educator please send us your resumes. Teacher duties include: Giving lessons; Preparing lesson plans, classcards, class schedules; Revision sheets; Curriculum development; Conducting regular tests; Semester projects; Attendance to workshops; Qualifications: Education Required: Bachelor Teaching Experience: 2 years of teaching experience Major: Education or English preferred, other with teaching experience is fine Required Certificates: TESL/TEFL Certificate, Other Certification Strength in [...]