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Coordinating Conjunctions

By |October 30, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: |

Coordinating conjunctions join coordinate clauses in a compound sentence, or homogeneous parts in a simple sentence, or homogeneous subordinate clauses in a complex sentence, or independent He had said he would stay quiet in the hall, but he simply couldn’t anymore; and crossing the gravel of the drive he lay down on the grass beyond. (Galsworthy) He opened his eyes and stared quietly at the pure sky. (Wilson) Hers was that common insularity of mind that makes human creatures believe that their color, creed, and politics are best and right and that other human creatures scattered over the world [...]

Subordinating Conjunctions

By |October 29, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: |

Subordinating conjunctions generally join a subordinate or dependent clause to a principal clause (a), or adverbial modifiers to the predicate in a simple sentence (b), or sometimes they join homogeneous parts (c). When he was eight, he got work in another mill. (London) He shook his head a bit as if in wonder that he had permitted himself to be caught in such crosscurrents. (Wilson) My look or something else must have struck her as offensive, for she spoke with extreme, though suppressed irritation. (Ch. Bronte) Subordinating conjunctions may introduce subject clauses, object clauses, predicative clauses, adverbial clauses, and [...]


By |October 19, 2022|Categories: Grammar|Tags: , , |

The conjunction is a part of speech that denotes connections between objects and phenomena. It connects parts of the sentence, clauses, and sentences. Sadie brought them in and went back to the door. (Mansfield) ...the blinds were down in the dining-room and the lights turned on — and all the lights were red-roses. (Mansfield) The other day I was saying to Fabermacher that Haviland isn’t really cruel, he’s just thoughtless. And Fabermacher said that was the cruellest thing about the human race. And he’s right. (Wilson) Structure According to their morphological structure conjunctions are divided into the [...]