• Your Content Goes Here
  • Noun
  • Article
  • Adjective
  • Pronoun
  • Numerals
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Modal Words
  • Interjection
  • Preposition
  • Conjunction
  • Particle
  1. General notion

Use of articles with common nouns

  1. Class nouns
  2. Nouns of material
  3. Abstract nouns

Use of articles with proper nouns

  1. Names of persons
  2. Geographical names
  3. Names of hotels, ships, newspapers, and magazines
  4. Names of cardinal points
  5. Names of months and days
  6. Nouns modified by proper nouns

Use of articles with nouns in some set expressions

  1. The use of the indefinite article with nouns in set expressions
  2. The use of the definite article with nouns in set expressions
    Nouns in set expressions used without an article
  3. The use of articles with predicative nouns
  4. The use of articles with nouns in apposition
  5. The use of articles with nouns used in the address
  6. Place of the article
  7. Ways of expressing the meaning of the English articles in Russian Special difficulties in the use of articles
  8. The use of articles with the nouns day, night, morning, evening
  9. The use of articles with names of seasons
  10. The use of articles with the nouns school, college, bed, prison, jail
  11. The use of articles with the noun town
  12. The use of articles with the names of meals
  13. The use of articles with names of languages

Use of articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives, pronouns, and numerals

  1. Most
  2. Few, a few, the few; little, a little, the little
  3. Two, the two; three, the three, etc.
  4. The second, a second
  5. Another, the other
  6. Last, the last
  7. Next, the next
  8. A number, the number

Omission of the article

  1. Definition
  2. Morphological characteristics
  3. Spelling rules
  4. Syntactical characteristics
  5. Morphological composition
  6. Classification
  7. Qualitative adjectives
  8. Relative adjectives
  9. Substantivized adjectives
  1. Definition
  2. Cardinal numerals
    1. The functions of cardinal numerals in a sentence
  3. Ordinal numerals
    1. The functions of ordinal numerals in a sentence

Morphological composition and use

Morphological structure
Basic forms
Syntactic function
Transitive and intransitive verbs
Lexical character
Grammatical categories

The Passive Voice

The formation of the Passive Voice
The use of the Passive Voice
The use of tenses in the Passive Voice
Ways of translating the Passive Voice into Russian
Uses of the Passive Voice peculiar to the English language
The verb to be + Participle II

Modal Verbs

Should and ought
To be+ Infinitive
To have + Infinitive
Need Mood

The Indicative Mood The Imperative Mood The Subjunctive Mood

General notion
Synthetic forms
Analytical forms
The forms of the Indicative Mood used to express the same meaning as is expressed by the Subjunctive Mood

The use of the Subjunctive Mood

Simple sentences
Conditional sentences
Adverbial clauses of purpose
Adverbial clauses of concession
Adverbial clauses of time and place
Adverbial clauses of comparison
Predicative clauses
Subject clauses
Object clauses
Attributive appositive clauses
Attributive clauses modifying the noun time in the principal clause
Emotional use of the Subjunctive Mood
Ways of rendering the Subjunctive Mood in Russian

1. Definition
2. The characteristic traits of the verbals

The Participle

3. General notion
4. Double nature of the participle
5. Tense distinctions
6. Voice distinctions
7. Functions of Participle I
8. Functions of Participle II
9. Predicative constructions with the participle
10. The Objective Participial Construction
11. The Subjective Participial Construction
12. The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction
13. The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction
14. Absolute constructions without a participle
15. Punctuation

The Gerund

16. General notion
17. Double nature of the gerund
18. Tense distinctions
19. Voice distinctions
20. Predicative constructions with the gerund
21. The use of the gerund
22. The gerund and the infinitive
23. The functions of the gerund
24. The gerund and the participle
25. The gerund and the verbal noun

The Infinitive

26. General notion
27. Tense and aspect distinctions of the infinitive
28. Voice distinctions
29. The use of the infinitive without the particle to
30. The functions of the infinitive
31. Infinitive constructions
32. The Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction
33. The Subjective Infinitive Construction
34. The for-to-Infinitive Construction

ยง 35. The Infinitive with the expressions to be sorry, to be glad

  1. Definition
  2. Morphological structure
  3. Degrees of comparison
  4. Classification
  1. Definition
  2. Use
  3. Modal words and adverbs

1. Definition
2. Morphological structure
3. Classification
4. Prepositions, adverbs and conjunctions
5. Prepositions and postpositions

  1. Definition
  2. Classification
  1. General notion

Use of articles with common nouns

  1. Class nouns
  2. Nouns of material
  3. Abstract nouns

Use of articles with proper nouns

  1. Names of persons
  2. Geographical names
  3. Names of hotels, ships, newspapers, and magazines
  4. Names of cardinal points
  5. Names of months and days
  6. Nouns modified by proper nouns

Use of articles with nouns in some set expressions

  1. The use of the indefinite article with nouns in set expressions
  2. The use of the definite article with nouns in set expressions
    Nouns in set expressions used without an article
  3. The use of articles with predicative nouns
  4. The use of articles with nouns in apposition
  5. The use of articles with nouns used in the address
  6. Place of the article
  7. Ways of expressing the meaning of the English articles in Russian Special difficulties in the use of articles
  8. The use of articles with the nouns day, night, morning, evening
  9. The use of articles with names of seasons
  10. The use of articles with the nouns school, college, bed, prison, jail
  11. The use of articles with the noun town
  12. The use of articles with the names of meals
  13. The use of articles with names of languages

Use of articles with nouns modified by certain adjectives, pronouns, and numerals

  1. Most
  2. Few, a few, the few; little, a little, the little
  3. Two, the two; three, the three, etc.
  4. The second, a second
  5. Another, the other
  6. Last, the last
  7. Next, the next
  8. A number, the number

Omission of the article

  1. Definition
  2. Morphological characteristics
  3. Spelling rules
  4. Syntactical characteristics
  5. Morphological composition
  6. Classification
  7. Qualitative adjectives
  8. Relative adjectives
  9. Substantivized adjectives
  1. Definition
  2. Cardinal numerals
    1. The functions of cardinal numerals in a sentence
  3. Ordinal numerals
    1. The functions of ordinal numerals in a sentence

Morphological composition and use

Morphological structure
Basic forms
Syntactic function
Transitive and intransitive verbs
Lexical character
Grammatical categories

The Passive Voice

The formation of the Passive Voice
The use of the Passive Voice
The use of tenses in the Passive Voice
Ways of translating the Passive Voice into Russian
Uses of the Passive Voice peculiar to the English language
The verb to be + Participle II

Modal Verbs

Should and ought
To be+ Infinitive
To have + Infinitive
Need Mood

The Indicative Mood The Imperative Mood The Subjunctive Mood

General notion
Synthetic forms
Analytical forms
The forms of the Indicative Mood used to express the same meaning as is expressed by the Subjunctive Mood

The use of the Subjunctive Mood

Simple sentences
Conditional sentences
Adverbial clauses of purpose
Adverbial clauses of concession
Adverbial clauses of time and place
Adverbial clauses of comparison
Predicative clauses
Subject clauses
Object clauses
Attributive appositive clauses
Attributive clauses modifying the noun time in the principal clause
Emotional use of the Subjunctive Mood
Ways of rendering the Subjunctive Mood in Russian

1. Definition
2. The characteristic traits of the verbals

The Participle

3. General notion
4. Double nature of the participle
5. Tense distinctions
6. Voice distinctions
7. Functions of Participle I
8. Functions of Participle II
9. Predicative constructions with the participle
10. The Objective Participial Construction
11. The Subjective Participial Construction
12. The Nominative Absolute Participial Construction
13. The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction
14. Absolute constructions without a participle
15. Punctuation

The Gerund

16. General notion
17. Double nature of the gerund
18. Tense distinctions
19. Voice distinctions
20. Predicative constructions with the gerund
21. The use of the gerund
22. The gerund and the infinitive
23. The functions of the gerund
24. The gerund and the participle
25. The gerund and the verbal noun

The Infinitive

26. General notion
27. Tense and aspect distinctions of the infinitive
28. Voice distinctions
29. The use of the infinitive without the particle to
30. The functions of the infinitive
31. Infinitive constructions
32. The Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction
33. The Subjective Infinitive Construction
34. The for-to-Infinitive Construction

ยง 35. The Infinitive with the expressions to be sorry, to be glad

  1. Definition
  2. Morphological structure
  3. Degrees of comparison
  4. Classification
  1. Definition
  2. Use
  3. Modal words and adverbs

1. Definition
2. Morphological structure
3. Classification
4. Prepositions, adverbs and conjunctions
5. Prepositions and postpositions

  1. Definition
  2. Classification


The formation of the Present Indefinite
The use of the Present Indefinite

The formation of the Past Indefinite
The use of the Past Indefinite

The formation of the Future Indefinite
The use of the Future Indefinite

The formation of the Future Indefinite in the Past
The use of the Future Indefinite in the Past

The formation of the Present Continuous
The use of the Present Continuous

The formation of the Past Continuous
The use of the Past Continuous

The formation of the Future Continuous
The use of the Future Continuous

The formation of the Future Continuous in the Past
The use of the Future Continuous in the Past

The formation of the Present Perfect
The use of the Present Perfect
The Past Indefinite and the Present Perfect

The formation of the Past Perfect
The use of the Past Perfect
The Past Indefinite and the Past Perfect

The formation of the Future Perfect
The use of the Future Perfect

The formation of the Future Perfect in the Past
The use of the Future Perfect in the Past

  1. The formation of the Present Perfect Continuous
  2. The use of the Present Perfect Continuous
  3. The Present Perfect Continuous Inclusive and the Present Continuous
  4. The Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous Exclusive

The formation of the Past Perfect Continuous
The use of the Past Perfect Continuous
The Past Perfect Continuous Inclusive and the Past Continuous

The formation of the Future Perfect Continuous
The use of the Future Perfect Continuous

The formation of the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past
The use of the Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

Verbs not used in the Continuous form


  1. Definition
  2. Classification
  3. Structure
  4. Sentences with homogeneous parts
  1. 1. General remarks
  2. 2โ€“4. Inverted order of words
  3. 5. Position of the object
  4. 6. Position of the attribute
  5. 7. Position of adverbial modifiers

The compound sentence

1. General notion
2. Types of coordination The complex sentence
3. General notion
4. Subject clauses
5. Predicative clauses
6. Object clauses
7. Attributive clauses
8. Attributive relative clauses
9. Attributive appositive clauses
10. The use of relative pronouns in attributive relative clauses
11. Adverbial clauses
12. Adverbial clauses of time
13. Adverbial clauses of place
14. Adverbial clauses of cause
15. Adverbial clauses of purpose
16. Adverbial clauses of condition
17. Adverbial clauses of concession
18. Adverbial clauses of result
19. Adverbial clauses of manner
20. Adverbial clauses of comparison
21. Polysemantic conjunctions The compound-complex sentence

Parenthetical clauses

The compound sentence

1. General notion
2. Types of coordination The complex sentence
3. General notion
4. Subject clauses
5. Predicative clauses
6. Object clauses
7. Attributive clauses
8. Attributive relative clauses
9. Attributive appositive clauses
10. The use of relative pronouns in attributive relative clauses
11. Adverbial clauses
12. Adverbial clauses of time
13. Adverbial clauses of place
14. Adverbial clauses of cause
15. Adverbial clauses of purpose
16. Adverbial clauses of condition
17. Adverbial clauses of concession
18. Adverbial clauses of result
19. Adverbial clauses of manner
20. Adverbial clauses of comparison
21. Polysemantic conjunctions The compound-complex sentence

Parenthetical clauses

General rules
Tenses in English and in Russian
Tenses in object clauses
Tenses in conventional direct speech
Tenses in attributive relative clauses and adverbial clauses of cause, result, comparison, and concession
Tenses in subject clauses and predicative clauses

General remarks
Indirect statements
Indirect questions
Indirect orders and requests
Indirect offers, suggestions, and advice
Indirect exclamations
Greetings and leave-taking

General remarks The simple sentence
Homogeneous members
Detached members
Parenthetical words, groups of words, and clauses
Nouns in address The compound sentence
Coordinate clauses joined asyndetically
Coordinate clauses joined by copulative conjunctions
Coordinate clauses joined by disjunctive conjunctions
Coordinate clauses joined by adversative conjunctions
Clausesย  joinedย ย  byย ย  causative-consecutiveย ย  conjunctionsย ย  and conjunctive adverbs
Sentences containing direct speech The complex sentence
Subject clauses
Predicative clauses
Object clauses
Attributive clauses
Adverbial clauses
Complex sentences consisting of two or more homogeneous clauses
Declarative non-exclamatory sentences
Sentences expressing a question
Exclamatory sentences
Unfinished sentences

Parts of the sentence

The subject
5. Definition
6. Ways of expressing the subject
7. It as the subject of the sentence

8. Definition
9. The simple predicate
10. The predicate expressed by a phraseological unit
11. The compound predicate
12. The compound nominal predicate

13. The predicative

14. The Objective Predicative
15. The compound verbal predicate
16. The compound verbal modal predicate
17. The compound verbal aspect predicate
18. Mixed types of predicate Agreement of the predicate with the subject
19. General notion
20. Rules of agreement
21. Agreement of the predicate with the subject expressed by a syntactic word-group

22. Definition
23. Ways of expressing the object
24. Kinds of objects
25. The direct object
26. The indirect object
27. The complex object
28. The cognate object


The attribute

29. Definition
30. Ways of expressing the attribute


The apposition

The close apposition
The loose or detached apposition

The adverbial modifier

Definition and classification
Ways of expressing the adverbial modifier


The detached adverbial modifier
The detached attribute
The detached object
