Articles with names of Hotels, Ships, Newspapers and Magazines

Names of hotels, ships, newspapers and magazines are used with the definite article.

And he added that the Independent had accepted and was about to publish two poems which he had been able to write because of her. (Dreiser)
The three men came to the turning at the corner of the Grosvenor Hotel. (Hichens)

Article with names of Cardinal Points

With the names of cardinal points, the definite article is used.

the North, the South, the West, the East.

In the expressions from East to West, from North to South no article is used.

Articles with names of Months and Days

As a rule, the names of months and days are used without articles.

May is a spring month.

My day off is Friday.

When these nouns are modified by a particularizing attribute the definite article is used.

The May of 1949 will always rest in my memory.

Miss Trotwood came on the Friday when David was born.

Names of days are used with the indefinite article when we mean one of many Mondays, Fridays, etc.

Robinson Crusoe found his servant on a Friday.

I do not remember exactly when he came from Moscow, but I am sure it was on a Monday.

Names of months are used with the indefinite article when modified by a descriptive attribute.

A cold May is the usual thing in Leningrad.

Articles with Nouns modified by Proper Nouns

If a noun is modified by a proper noun in the genitive case no article is used.

I met Robert’s father.

A noun modified by a proper noun in the common case is used with the definite article.

Last summer I visited the Tretyakov Gallery.

The sailor led him back to the little irregular square by the Medici Palace. (Voynich)