The usual position of the object in declarative sentences is after the predicate, however, in exclamatory sentences the direct object may occupy the first place.
What wonderfully blue eyes you have, Ernest! (Wilde)
This position of the object generally does not cause inversion, except in poetry, high prose, and negative exclamatory sentences.
Thee would I spare — nay more — would save thee now! (Byron)
Passage after passage did he explore, room after room did he peep into!(Dickens)
In declarative sentences the front position of the object serves the purpose of emphasis.
A fearful voyage I had with such a monster in the vessel. (Ch. Bronte)
Honey she had in plenty out of her own hives. (Hardy)
As a rule this prominent position of the object causes no inversion except when the object is expressed by word-groups with not a.., or many a….
The direct object acquires some prominence when it is separated from the predicate by some secondary part of the sentence — generally an adverbial modifier or a prepositional indirect object. We may call this the back position of the object.
She produced from her pocket a most housewifely bunch of keys. (Ch. Bronte)
I had at heart a strange and anxious thought. (Ch. Bronte)
Cowperwood smiled as he saw in the morning papers the announcement of the passage of each ordinance granting him a franchise. (Dreiser)
As is seen from the above examples this occurs when the object has an attribute.
The front position of the indirect object in declarative sentences is rare. The prepositional indirect object is more common in this position, especially in colloquial English.
Of his love he would tell her nothing. (Voynich)
To Martin the future did not seem so dim. Success trembled just before him.(London)
Sometimes the front position of the prepositional indirect object causes inversion.
To this circumstance may be attributed the fact that none of the letters reached my hand. (Dickens)