An adverbial modifier hardly ever separates the direct object from the predicate. It stands either before the predicate or after the direct object.

Helen heard me patiently to the end. (Ch. Bronte)

We could also very well say: “Helen patiently heard me to the end,” but no other position of the adverbial modifier is possible here, unless it is meant to be emphatic; in this case it is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

However, an adverbial modifier separates the direct object from its verb when the object has an attribute.

He knew instinctively the principles of “pyramiding” and “kiting”. (Dreiser)
He could read English but he saw there an alien speech. (London)

Adverbial Modified of Time

An adverbial modifier of time is generally placed either at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

On Tuesday night the new laundrymen arrived, and the rest of the week was spent breaking them into the routine. (London)
Probably we shall try tomorrow. (Heym)

Adverbial modifiers expressed by the adverbs now and then can be placed in nearly any position.

Tess then remembered that there would have been time for this. (Hardy) Indeed, anything untoward was now sedulously kept from James (Galsworthy)

We now slowly ascended a drive and came upon the long front of a house.(Ch. Bronte)

At nine in the evening Badly White… opened the door to the room and poked his head in. (Maltг)

Adverbial Modifier of Manner

The most frequent position of an adverbial modifier of manner is after the predicate if the verb is intransitive, and after the direct object if the verb is transitive.

“You needn’t worry about me,” Louise said stoutly. (M. Dickens)
Cokane shakes hands effusively with Sartorius. (Shaw)

An adverbial modifier of manner generally stands between the predicate-verb and the prepositional indirect object though it is also found after the object.

She leaned lightly against his shoulder. (London)
Gwendolen… though I asked most distinctly for bread and butter, you have given me cake. (Wilde)

Very often, however, an adverbial modifier of manner expressed by an adverb stands immediately before the predicate.

…Bessie was already gone, and had closed the nursery door upon me. I slowly descended. (Ch. Bronte)
Then it occurred to him that with this letter she was entering that very state which he himself so earnestly desired to quit. (Galsworthy)

In compound tense forms an adverbial modifier of manner expressed by an adverb generally comes after the last auxiliary.

These ladies were deferentially received by Miss Temple. (Ch. Bronte)
Mr. Ernest has been suddenly called back to town. (Wilde)

Adverbial Modifier of Frequency

The place of the adverbial modifier of frequency is more fixed than that of other adverbial modifiers which enjoy a certain freedom of position. As a rule they precede the predicate verb in a simple tense form but follow the verb to be and all the modal verbs. In a compound tense form they follow the first auxiliary.

No one ever loved me. (London)
Lily would complain that she always told Jane everything she knew.(Herbert)

She was always on the point of telling him the truth.

However, when they are emphasized they stand before the verb to be.

You were awfully good about being pushed up here, but then you always are good about the things that happen to you. (M. Dickens)

As for Charlie, he needed frequently to have a confidant. (S. Lewis)
Don’t go worrying about what may never happen.
He can never leave out an irreligious finale. (Lindsay)
I’d just love to come, but Francis and I can’t ever be away together.(Galsworthy)
Take your hands away, Huckleberry; what a mess you are always making.(Twain)
She cared for Ailen more than she had ever cared for any of her children. (M. Dickens)
“I never heard of such a thing!” she exclaimed. It will never be Frank! It can’t be! (Dreiser)

However, sometimes and generally may be placed either before or after the verb.

For he sometimes thought that, unless he proclaimed to the world what had happened to him, he would never again feel quite in possession of his soul. (Galsworthy)
And I got so lonely here sometimes. (Dreiser)

In interrogative sentences adverbial modifiers of frequency come immediately after the subject.

Did you ever have shoes like that? (Abrahams)
Does he often come to see you?

Adverbial modifiers of frequency sometimes occupy the first place. This position generally does not cause inversion.

Often he had asked her to come and pass judgement on his junk.(Galsworthy)
Occasionally a small band of people followed the preachers to their mission.(Dreiser)

Adverbial Modifier of Degree

Adverbial modifiers of degree always precede the predicate; if the verb is in a compound tense-form they follow the first auxiliary.

I entirely agree with you.
He has quite forgotten about the concert.

An adverbial modifier of degree expressed by the adverb enough generally follows the adjective it modifies, but may follow or precede a noun.

He is clever enough but very lazy.

When enough modifies a noun it may either follow or precede it.

I have time enough to do it.
I have enough time to do it.

Adverbial Modifier of Place

An adverbial modifier of place generally stands either at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

Down in the mill yard a Bessemer furnace was blowing flame into the sky.(Maltz)
Geodin led the guests into the parlour. (O. Henry)
There it was all spiritual. Here it was all material and meanly material.(London)
a library was a most likely place for her, and he might see her there.(London)

However, an adverbial modifier of place sometimes comes between the predicate and the prepositional object.

He emerged from the theatre with the first of the crowd. (London)

Adverbial modifiers of place generally precede those of time and purpose:

I am going to the country tomorrow.
Well, they only kept up there about an hour but that was sure a long time. (Maltz)
Sybil had gone to town to buy a new carpet for the first floor landing. (M. Dickens)