Besides the compound nominal predicate, the compound verbal modal predicate, and the compound verbal aspect predicate, there is a type of predicate in which we have elements of two types of predicates. Such predicates contain three components.

Thus we have:

#1. The compound modal nominal predicate.

The nephew was to be the means of introduction. (Da Maurier)
He greatly longed to be the next heir himself. (De la Roche)
Don’t think I mean to be unkind. (Du Maurier)

#2. The compound aspect nominal predicate.

The grey house had ceased to be a house for family life. (Buck)
It was like coming ashore after a channel crossing I began to feel rather hungry. (Du Maurier)
I was glad that the doctor had been Chinese, and not American. I continued to be glad for that. (Buck)

#3. The compound modal aspect predicate.

And all the while he felt the presence of Pat and had to keep on resisting the impulse to turn round. (Lindsay)
Something happened nearly a year ago that altered my whole life. I had to begin living all over again. (Du Maurier)
He ought to stop doing nothing and criticizing everybody. (Lindsay)