Nasreddin once had an old boat, which he used to ferry people across the river. One day, he was taking a university professor to the other side.

  • “What is the square root of 9?” asked the professor.
  • “I don’t know,” answered Nasreddin.
  • “How do you spell elephant?” asked the professor.
  • “I have no idea,” replied Nasreddin.
  • “Didn’t you study anything at school?” demanded the professor, surprised.
  • “No,” said Nasreddin.
  • “Then you wasted half your life,” said the professor.

Nasreddin was silent for a little while. Then he said:

  • “Can you swim?”
  • “No,” said the professor.

“Then you wasted ALL of your life,” said Nasreddin. “We are sinking.”
