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Compound Nominal Predicate

By |November 21, 2022|Categories: Grammar, Main|Tags: , , |

The compound nominal predicate denotes the state or quality of the person or thing expressed by the subject (e. g. He is tired, The book is interesting), or the class of persons or things to which this person or thing belongs (e. g. She is a student). The compound nominal predicate consists of a link verb and a predictive (the latter is also called the nominal part of the predicate). The link verb (or a verb of incomplete predication) expresses the verbal categories of person, number, tense, aspect, mood, and sometimes voice. All link verbs, as the result of a long development, have partly lost their [...]

Use of the Definite Article with Nouns in Expressions

By |November 20, 2022|Categories: Main|Tags: , , , , |

to be on the safe side I am almost sure of the pronunciation of this name, but to be on the safe side let us consult the pronouncing dictionary. to play the piano (the violin, the harp) She plays the piano very well.   it is out of the question “Will you go to the theatre tonight?” “It’s out of the question. I have lots of things to do.” to take the trouble to do something You had a difficult text to translate and you did not take the trouble to consult the dictionary. in the original You know English [...]


By |October 28, 2022|Categories: Main|

Your Content Goes Here Noun Article Adjective Pronoun Numerals Verb Adverb Modal Words Interjection Preposition Conjunction Particle Definition Morphological characteristics Syntactical characteristics Morphological Types Proper & Common Nouns Classification by Meaning The category of number The category of case Additional List of Countable & Uncountable Nouns Words that are Both Noun & Verb General notion Use of articles with common nouns Class nouns Nouns of material Abstract nouns Use of articles with proper nouns Names of persons Geographical names Names of hotels, ships, newspapers, and magazines Names of cardinal points Names of months and days Nouns [...]